One Night Stand (2016)
Synopsis: One Night Stand is a 2016 Hindi thriller film written by Bhavani Iyer and directed by Jasmine D'Souza. It features Sunny Leone, Nyra Banerjee and Tanuj Virwani in the lead roles.
Initial release: May 6, 2016
Director: Jasmine D'Souza
Story by: Bhavani Iyer
Cast: Sunny Leone, Tanuj Virwani, Narendra Jetley, Nyra Banarjee, Khalid Siddqui
Music director: Meet Bros, Jeet Ganguly, Sandeep Shirodkar
Synopsis: One Night Stand is a 2016 Hindi thriller film written by Bhavani Iyer and directed by Jasmine D'Souza. It features Sunny Leone, Nyra Banerjee and Tanuj Virwani in the lead roles.
Initial release: May 6, 2016
Director: Jasmine D'Souza
Story by: Bhavani Iyer
Cast: Sunny Leone, Tanuj Virwani, Narendra Jetley, Nyra Banarjee, Khalid Siddqui
Music director: Meet Bros, Jeet Ganguly, Sandeep Shirodkar
720p|x264 PDVDrip 700MB
576p|x264 PDVDrip 300MB (UPDATED)
HEVC Mobile| PDVDrip 100MB