Fantastic Four 4
Synopsis :Transported to an alternate universe, four young outsiders gain superhuman powers as they alter their physical form in shocking ways. Reed Richards becomes Mr. Fantastic, able to stretch and twist his body at will, while pal Ben Grimm gains immense strength as the Thing.
Initial release: August 4, 2015 (New York City)
Director: Josh Trank
Film series: Fantastic Four film series
Screenplay: Josh Trank, Simon Kinberg, Jeremy Slater
Producers: Simon Kinberg, Matthew Vaughn, Hutch Parker, Gregory Goodman, Robert Kulzer
Synopsis :Transported to an alternate universe, four young outsiders gain superhuman powers as they alter their physical form in shocking ways. Reed Richards becomes Mr. Fantastic, able to stretch and twist his body at will, while pal Ben Grimm gains immense strength as the Thing.
Initial release: August 4, 2015 (New York City)
Director: Josh Trank
Film series: Fantastic Four film series
Screenplay: Josh Trank, Simon Kinberg, Jeremy Slater
Producers: Simon Kinberg, Matthew Vaughn, Hutch Parker, Gregory Goodman, Robert Kulzer